To beed or not to beed, that is the question
Whether it is nobler in the pan to suffer
The twists and spites of vicious spatula
Or to fight against the cook
And by opposing him, to ruin, to flow no more; and solidifying, to congeal, to end
The heart-ache of unfulfilled ooze, those thousand natural shocks unconsummated
chickens are heir to. Tis a revenge devoutly to be wished. To ruin the texture,
to gel and to congeal: Ay, there’s the problem
for in the flow of life, what future may yet come,
once we have pecked out of our confining shell,
and wait for the respect
that gives a future to so short a life;
For why should we bear the whips and scorns of time:
The old hen, the rooster now out-roosted by the young;
The pangs of despised age, the butcher’s short delay,
The rough insults of the chicken-herd,
Being chased, and gathered up, and housed and forced to lay
When we could find release by rushing to
The fox’s sharp white teeth. Why bear the burden,
The scratching scraping work of bio free range
Through dread of after death becoming nuggets
In the yet to be discovered country of McDonalds
From whence no eater ever returns well; we do not understand
And so prefer the suffering we know
To that we only imagine
Thus confusion makes us cowards
Our brilliant feathers pale
the other makes the choice; we live or die, we’re egg or chicken.
We’ve thought it out too far
and now we don’t know what to do.
Very well then, let us flow and be unctuous
Let us flatter him
Just out of his hot nest of lust
Carousing before breakfast, making her an omlet
Or is it her lunch, or supper, or dinner
Are they feeding like a king or queen?
To beed or not to beed
That is the question
Shall we be consumed
or thrown away.
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